So we finished staining the floors on Sunday morning. The plan was to go back after the designated 4-6 hours and apply the 1st coat of Polyurethane.
So we went for a drive and then to some corporate restaurant (Chili's I think) back to Home Depot and then finally back to the house about 3pm. The floors were still not totally dry so we decided that we needed to wait on the polyurethane because otherwise we were gonna be up until at least midnight shleppin poly and I would miss Desperate Housewives as well as Brothers and Sisters.
Ok, it is now Tuesday 5/15 and I decided I would go over to the house on lunch from work and do the first coat of poly, go back to work and do the 2nd coat after work because after all the directions say "Apply a thin coat using a lambswool or synthetic pad applicator, or a natural bristle brush. Maintain a wet edge to avoid lap marks." Simple enough, right? OH WHAT THE HELL EVER!!! Thin coat MY ASS! I showed up, stripped down to my undies and entered the room loaded with lamb flesh and a can of something that can apparently spontaneously combust at any given moment and I am about to apply it to the floor we have worked so hard to bring back to life. Whoever wrote these directions has obviously never used this product because there is no way in hell you can apply anything that even remotely resembles a thin coat of anything using the sheet of lamb flesh that turned into a BALL OF FLESH as soon as it got poly on it. It was like the movie "Flashdance" in that applying the poly more resembled more then anything described in the instructions.

So it is now 1:40pm, I am back at work. My fingers and EVERYTHING else are sticking to everything. I am also guessing the nice poly coated splinters that were shoved into my finger tips are glued in nice and tight now. Side Note: If you try this at home, don't use latex gloves it ate through 6 pairs and I am certain there will be remnants of rubber finger tips permanently glued into the floor.
** Pause ** Will complete blog after work when I see if I created a mess or ???
Ok, I am a BIG O DORK!!! That sheep flesh I was using at lunch time:

Did you happen to notice the words "REFILL PADS" UGH!!!
This is was I was supposed to be using:

and it goes on the end of a broom handle like this:

I discovered all this convenient stuff on my own while trying to track down Home Depot employees with no luck I might add. Maybe they were all here:

LOL! That place cracks me up. I still haven't been able to get anyone to be able to help me order kitchen cabinets.
Anyway, it is now 7:32pm and the final coat of poly is drying and all I can do is hope that it doesn't look like tapioca or something worse. Maybe the Home Depot employees visiting the masters love will do the naked floor better turn out dance for me. This is what we have so far and what really annoys me is that I never came into contact with the poly with all the new stuff I got. It's a good thing to because I didn't have any more gloves or fingertips for that matter. hehe

Much Peace,