So, Dorian my 15 year old premadonna baby would not sit still for nothing. She hates life, she hates the camera and right now she really hates me. hehe
She really hates when anything AT ALL upsets her routine or invades her space. I took her to the Doc the other day and found out that she has Thyroid Disease and now they want to inject her with a radioactive iodine. Doesn't that sound pleasant? Just taking her to the Doc in the 1st place was an interesting task and when the Doc came back and said that they were unable to obtain a stool sample so they WENT IN TO CHECK THINGS OUT I just knew I would pay and not just the $300 vet bill but the way that only Dorian knows how to make one pay.
It's been almost a week and I still wake up in the middle of the night with her sitting just inches from my face looking down at me kind of silently telling me the she still remembers, finding little gifts left in my shoes or just outside the litter box letting me know that she could have made IF she really wanted to.
Next week sometime I will be taking her back to the Doc to get her "Treatment" and because it is radioactive she has to stay there for up to 14 days.
I am in sssooo much trouble...
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